About Us.

I’m Gabe, a DnD Dad, father to Cassius, partner to Diane (his mom), and founder of The Undiscovered Lands. We’re a family business. Dad runs the games, Mom helps with aspects of the business, and our son is my first playtester, harshest critic, and chief collaborator.

I’m always available for parents who want to meet me before signing up for our program.

I’ve worked for digital advertising agencies in various roles for over 20 years and I’ve always been interested in online user experiences. For The Undiscovered Lands, I observed what kids like about DnD, what parents like about their kids playing it, and how to bake those things into an online experience that could be to the imagination what dance lessons are to coordination, or martial arts are to mental discipline.

I’ve been a Dungeon Master for about 13 years and a Dad for about 11.

Cassius started getting curious about DnD when he was six years old, but it wasn’t until the pandemic that I started hosting games for he and his friends. Seeing how much they loved it inspired me to create this program.

Our game focuses on working together to solve problems. The challenges presented by the game are entirely up to the players to approach how they see fit, but they will succeed or fail as a team. We provide kids with opportunities to experiment with different approaches to challenges, whether they be a monstrous threat to the kingdom or the best way to navigate a forest. Those who come up with creative solutions and work as a team will enjoy success.

Here's an article about DnD that mentions one of my games.

Learn more about how the program works